Feb 21, 2011

MTM :: MTM Rail*Star Released

Everybody. Have you already gone to International Vehicle EXPO 2011?
Meridoc Tram Manufacturing also participates in this festival that all vehicles in SecondLife meet together.
However, there is no commodity that can still put my shop on the market.
I had stayed in the reference exhibition of two models under production of the tram in the first half of the session that was for two weeks.

皆様、もうInternational Vehicle EXPO 2011には行かれましたか?
世界中から陸海空の乗り物が一堂に会するこの祭典に、当Meridoc Tram Manufacturingも参加しています。



When I am looking at the appearance of the hall, other companies seems to be distributing not only sales but also souvenirs.
I thought whether prepared it for the souvenir though it was impossible to prepare a very tram for sales. 。
It was on that day of holding of IVE to actually decide the participation of MTM.
Therefore, I was not preparing anything.




In haste


I made it. :D


The name is "MTM Rail*Star."!

その名もMTM Rail*Star!

Please run getting on this by all means.
You will feel beginning of event in the new world. (exaggerated)


Well, specs are as going out to the photograph. 。
It is possible to run in SLRR and WARR.
8 speed cruise control and maximum speed 80 km/h.
2 Crew.


It is non-physical vehicle.
It runs basically by the same script as the tram that I am making.
See and exist when you solve the smooth running.


The distribution place is as follows.
It distributes it in three places.


First of all, it is in front of MTM booth in International Vehicle EXPO.

まずはInternational Vehicle EXPOにある、MTMブース前です。

And, the reception desk of Meridoc Tram Manufacturing.

そしてMeridoc Tram Manufacturingの受付

Finally, it is on the 2nd line platform at the WARR Burns station.

最後にWARR Burns駅2番線ホーム上です

The permission is NoMod, NoCopy, and Transfarable.

パーミッションはNoMod, NoCopy, Transfarableでお配りしています。

Because the Burns station platform is Rez zone, Please Rez here by all means.
Moreover, each station of SLRR has the Rez zone. 


We will wait for your visit.


Feb 20, 2011

WARR Today :: Today's Takatsudo and Electra station

English articles will be added later.





駅の入り口はGrote地域のSandhill Sage Roadに面しています。


Feb 7, 2011

WARR Today :: New line around Burns station opened.

It began to use the section around the Burns station among constructed new lines.
It began to use new platforms in the second and the third line at Burns station also. The old line connected with the first line at Burns station is closed, and the switch and signals are being removed. Moreover, the Takatsudo station will be transferred to the new line side in the future.


The first line at Burns station will restart use as soon as completing signals in the Burns station west construction. However, because an old line is removed, the first line becomes possible to arrive and depart only to the Electra district.


It is a schedule as follows.


The use of the first line is restarted as soon as the signal in the Burns station west construction is completed. At that time, a new line to Electra has not opened yet. I will enable the train to pass between the first line and new line by being able to use the Burns station west's 0th switches.


It is scheduled to open as soon as the construction of the Electra station is completed in a new line from the Burns station to the Electra station.
At present, the construction of the station building remains in the Electra station. As for the construction of the platform, the roof, and the signal, it completes, and operation by the SLRR method is possible.
However, construction that will renew the traffic signal control system to the WARR method in the future is scheduled. Moreover, the central guide construction on the SandhillSage overbridge to the Electra station west is scheduled to be done.
Days are expected to hang still considerably to complete all construction related to the Electra station. I will open the route to the Electra station as soon as construction related to the station is completed.

ただし、今後信号システムを更新し、WARR方式に改める工事が予定されています。また、Electra駅西方にあるSandhill Sage跨道橋上のセンターガイド工事が行われる予定です。

It is a progress report of other construction.


The acquisition of the Lida station construction schedule ground was completed. The elevated bridge construction is starting now. The elevated bridge in the main line part was connected with the Slosser elevated bridge.


Because a new site was able to be acquired, the Gunda station was transferred from a conventional position to the south. As a result, the section from Lida to Andraca will be connected in the straight line.


It is the latest route map.
Construction is advanced by the section of the east side.


Feb 6, 2011

WARR Today :: Development of railway signal system

The opening to traffic of a new line is late.
The purpose is to develop a new railway signal system.
It will become a system that the train doesn't encounter mutually in the single-track territory though it cannot be so complex.


I will manage driving the train by using this system in the section from the Burns station to the west. The SLRR method is used from the Burns station in the east up to now.


A new system is aiming at the system that can run a train like not the simple one only that the switch is switched like the SLRR method but a true railway according to the signal. I try to bring it close to it as much as possible though I do not think that I can perfectly control the train of course.


Feb 4, 2011

Consideration of MegaPrims :: ヒュージプリム考

I heard that the event that Megaprims used for the building etc. was erased by Linden by mistake happened the other day. There was fortunately no influence due to the event in WARR.
There is a story that it becomes impossible to use Megaprims when Mesh is put to practical use since before. I came to think that the day came certainly taking advantage of this event though I had not thought about that up to now too much seriously.


Well, Megaprims is multiused as for WARR.
The elevated bridge is built with Megaprims in a typical point. The purpose of it is to secure the number of Prims for the train that passes height and the railway track where the road is stepped over.
There are 20m in length and breadth a Prim in the elevated bridge, and when actually using it as an elevated bridge, the half is buried under ground. Therefore, the railway track will be constructed from ground in the height of 10m.
If this is made from usual Prims, the number of Prims twice is necessary only in height. It is thought that four times the number of Prims are needed in the entire elevated bridge.


The size of Prim is limited to ten meters now. When the dwelling is built, it is not a problem. However, when a little big building is built, it is felt small by me.
If you cannot use Megaprims at all, what is settled with 1Prim up to now might be needed with 2Prims and 4Prims. A number of Prim necessary to be architectural will increase indexing.
Naturally, the number of Prims that can be used for the detail of the building will decrease, too. If you try to build a absorbed building, you might need the area of the land more.
It might be a situation for which Linden hopes. However, when it is seen from the standpoint of the resident who has land and builds the building, we will not try to acquire land where the running cost hangs newly.
Poor buildings of the detail are built in the mainland where a lot of vacant lots are seen. Naturally, poor scenery where the grass and the tree are not planted stretches more than now. I imagine such the future.


I think that the introduction of Mesh is already an inevitable change if SecondLife is continued even if it sees from examples of a similar virtual world other than SecondLife so (It is necessary to mount Mesh well of course).
It becomes impossible will do an attractive thing making at all by limiting the Prim size as today on that. I strongly hope for the Prim size restriction alleviation when it becomes impossible to use current Megaprims.
Really huge Prim is not necessary. Within the practicable range, Prim up to 32m will only have to come to be able to be made newly if possible. It becomes impossible for us to maintain a current spectacle if it doesn't come to be able to make Prims up to at least 16m newly.
It only has to double the number of Prims that can be put on land like NautilusCity, and to lower the running cost of land even to the vicinity of half the price today if it thinks only about the building. However, because Megaprims is used for not only the building but also a certain kind of physical ship and a physical airplane, it is thought that it is the most effective to ease the Prim size limitation.


Feb 3, 2011

WARR Today :: Rebuilding of Burns station

It was not able to be said that the railway track from the Takatsudo station to the Burns station was a winding, in addition narrow the site (Minimum width was 4m), ups and downs severe, too too good railway tracks. Therefore, the transit speed was severely limited, and it was limited at first of the opening at 10 km/h(20 km/h present limitation). It can be said the hardest part in the WARR line.
I decided to improve this section immediately because I was able to acquire land between the Takatsudo station and the Burns station this time.


The photograph is that construction starts.
The signal and the switch are locked so that the train should not arrive in the second at Burns station line because the second line is transferred to the new line side.


The station building and the first line will be used as it is in the future.
It is a photograph where the difference of the angle of a new line and an old line is understood well.
The platform in a new line is at a position that is one step higher compared with an old line. Therefore, the accompanied construction such as the underpass and south exit where the platform is connected is considerably large scale.


The photograph sees the direction in the east from the station west.
The point in the station west is used almost as it is. The railway track to old second line is connected with new third line. The railway track to new second line diverges from the railway track to the first line further.


The photograph sees the direction of the Takatsudo station.
In this side, the new line and new platform and other side are old lines.
Ups and downs in an old line and the condition of the curve are understood well.
Only if you see though it is a railway track where an old line is sapid …


The photograph sees the Burns station and the Takatsudo station from the sky.
The surrounding of Takatsudo is started constructing still hardly. Construction is scheduled to be begun as soon as the Burns station is completed.


Trying to pave of the railway track in WARR is the third in this.
This becomes the first time as for the railway track under use.


Construction might continue for days of several another. I'm sorry for troubling everybody who passes very much.
A new line to the Electra station is scheduled to open after the rebuilding this Burns station peripheral construction completes.
Neither the construction of the station building nor the construction of the guide have ended in the Electra station yet.
I will tell the date of the new line opening to traffic by this blog etc. as soon as it decides.
